Physical education
Pupil Speak Levels - Games
Pupil Speak Levels - Games
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Pupil Speak Levels - Athletics
Pupil Speak Levels - Dance and Gymnastics
Pupil Speak Levels - Dance and Gymnastics
Cricket Scenario Cards
Cricket Scenario Cards
Collection of scenario cards for use with smaller groups.
Blank proforma included for you to develop your own.
Cricket Scenario Cards 2
Cricket Scenario Cards
Game based lesson - split the group into 2/3 smaller groups and use these to deliver a whole-part-whole activity
Cricket Scenario Cards 1
Cricket Scenario Cards
Game based lesson - split the group into 2/3 smaller groups and use these to deliver a whole-part-whole activity
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Circuit Training Station Guides and Recording Spreadsheet
Year 7 or 8 Boys Dance Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning
Year 7 or 8 Boys Dance Scheme of Work/Scheme of Learning
6 Team League
This is a 6 team league which enables students to work independently during in-class activities (where teams are assigned points for a variety of activities or contributions to learning) or for sports activities.
During PE lessons, I use this with large groups who self-manage their fixtures and results, allowing me as the teacher to target my interventions and teaching points with better quality differentiation and fault analysis.